

I am an architect engineer graduated from the Delft University of Technology. I have started my career with a master thesis that focused on iconic architecture and urban developments. My master thesis was awarded with the National Archiprix. Ever since I have gained 10 years of international experience working on high quality projects around the globe. Beside my work I like to sport and travel. I am keen on building and public space innovations. In this era, there is a need for the fusion of digital and physical spaces. I see it as a massive challenge to develop digital concepts to accelerate processes in the architecture engineering and construction industry. With special interest in circular, prefabricated and climate adaptive design and construction methods.

Lake Shore Drive


Over the past 10 years I have gained experience in the engineering business and design. I have worked with the contractor Royal BAM Group and with architecture firms as MVRDV and Mecanoo architects in the Netherlands. Also I have worked with Nike Hilversum EHQ on an international level executing Nike retail and branding stores in Europe, Middle East and the United States. Furthermore I have gained experience as an engineering consultant, traveling to 25 cities in United States, working on high quality urban landscape projects.

Below you will find my linkedin, feel free to connect.

+ Project Management
+ Feasibility studies
+ Concept Development
+ Building Permit
+ Architecture and Public Space Design
+ 3d visualization
+ Technical drawings
+ Tender and contracting management
+ Construction supervision
+ Product development

Delft University of Technology, Architecture & Building Management (2007 – 2011)
+ Diploma: Master of Science (MSc, ir.)
+ Finalist National Archiprix, selection of the best Dutch graduation projects
+ Master course Water Management in Urban Areas, Faculty of Civil Engineering
+ Certificate: PRINCE2® Foundation certificate


The Hague University, Construction Management (2002 – 2006)
+ Diploma: Bachelor of Built Environment (BBE, ing.)
+ Diploma: VCA-VOL: safety for operational supervisors

Pavilion serie

In 2017, I have won the Pavilion Competition The Hague for best public space design. Since then I have designed multiple pavilions and public spaces for the Dutch cities Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague.


Together with a team of trusted partners and suppliers we engage the right people to form the perfect team for any project.


Feel free to be in reach with me and I will get back to you with the closest convenience.

Contact details

      2514 CV, The Hague, The Netherlands

      Call: +316-11056700

      E-mail: jthepen@gmail.com


Netherlands Chamber of Commerce

Kvk 70846162


We take the vision which comes from dreams
and apply the magic of science and mathematics,
adding the heritage of my profession
and my knowledge of nature’s materials
to create a design.

We organize the efforts and skills of my fellow workers
employing the capital of the thrifty
and the products of many industries,
and together we work toward our goal
undaunted by hazards and obstacles.

And when we have completed our task
all can see
that the dreams and plans have materialized
for the comfort and welfare of all.

We are Engineers
We serve mankind
by making dreams come true.

(supposedly found pinned to a site hut during the construction of the WTC The Hague).